Dear SAFE Members,

The Governance Committee is seeking nominations for the following board positions for 2010. You may nominate yourself or someone else, if the person is agreeable to run for the specified terms and meets the requirements listed below. The prospective candidate should provide Sherry Rossiter, member, Governance Committee, at  a one to two page resume that highlights their expertise and experience that you feel would qualify them for consideration as a Board member including participation activities and any awards or recognition received in the Aviation industry. When emailing your resume to Sherry please include SAFE NOMINATING COMMITTEE in the subject line. No more than one person from one institution will be represented on the Board at one time.  All nominations will be considered up through Tuesday, February 16th, 2010.
The following positions are open for nominations: 

Three Directors. Three year term to begin July 2010. New Board members will be seated at the Annual Members meeting to be held at Air Venture 2010.  The following describes the duties required from the members of the Board of Directors: Board of Directors


• As representatives of the membership, be the primary force pressing the organization to the realization of its opportunities for service and the fulfillment of its obligations to all its constituencies.



• Approve the organization’s philosophy and review management’s performance in achieving it.

• Annually assess the ever-changing environment and approve the organization’s strategy in relation to it.

• Annually review and approve the organization’s plans for funding its strategy. Review and approve the organization’s five-year financial goals.

• Annually review and approve the organization’s budget.

• Approve major policies.


• Elect, monitor, appraise, advise, stimulate, support, reward and, if deemed necessary or desirable, change top management. Regularly discuss with the Executive Director matters that are of concern to him or her or to the board.

• Be assured that management succession is being properly planned and provided.

• Be assured that the status of organizational strength and human resources planning is equal to the requirements of the long-range goals.

• Approve appropriate compensation and benefit policies and practices. Propose a slate of directors to members and fill vacancies as needed.

• Annually approve the performance review of the Executive Director and establish his or her compensation on recommendations of the personnel committee and chair of the board.

• Determine eligibility for and appoint board committees in response to recommendations of the governance committee.

• Annually review the performance of the board and take steps (including its composition, organization, and responsibilities) to improve its performance.


• Review the results achieved by management as compared with the organization’s philosophy, annual and long-range goals, and the performance of similar organizations.

• Confirm that the financial structure of the organization is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy.

• Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice and comments. Approve major actions of the organization, such as capital expenditures on all projects over authorized limits and major changes in programs and services.


• Ensure that the board and its committees are adequately and currently informed—through reports and other methods—of the condition of the Organization and its operations.

• Confirm that published reports properly reflect the operating results and financial condition of the organization.

• Ascertain that management has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflict of interest throughout the organization, and that it is diligently administering and enforcing those policies.

• Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.

• Review compliance with relevant material laws affecting the organization.

The ideal candidate should possess excellent leadership and teamwork skills, a strong desire to further the mission of SAFE and the ability to commit the necessary time required to fulfill these requirements. Successful nominees will be contacted to set up a time for a phone interview by the members of the Nominating group.

Thank you, in advance, for providing qualified nominations to the committee!

Mark R. Adams

Governance Committee Chairman

Society of Aviation and Flight Educators

About the author 

Doug Stewart (Lifetime Member)

MCFI/ DPE, 2004 National CFI OTY. Specializing in instrument training, tailwheel training, and sport pilot training. Currently SAFE Executive Director.

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