Programs and Initiatives

SAFE’s Aviation Educator Mentoring Program enhances the professional development of aviation educators of all types. Through mentoring and support, participants grow stronger and smarter in promoting a safe aviation environment.
SAFE's members ... are highly accomplished people with a lot of valuable experience to transfer. So let me congratulate you on starting the SAFE Aviation Educator Mentoring Program.
I especially like the program statement that "Even experienced educators may occasionally want or need insights when teaching in new aircraft, or with new technologies and techniques."

J. Randolph Babbit
Former FAA Administrator
Any educator can become part of this unique program. This program matches expert aviation educators with those seeking assistance or improvement to become world class educators themselves by providing an effective framework for the mentoring process.
The program is available to current educators or educators-in-training, whether in flight, ground, youth, college, maintenance, or other aviation areas. Even experienced educators may occasionally want or need insights when teaching in new aircraft, or with new technologies and techniques.
How to participate:
If you are a current educators or educators-in-training, join our Facebook Mentoring Connection Group and ask some questions (get involved).
SAFE members interested in becoming mentors are invited to complete a simple online application on the mentoring home page.

SAFE and Aviation Insurance Resources have teamed up to bring SAFE member-flight instructors the best protection available in the industry at competitive rates.

Eligibility: Must be a current SAFE member (Associate-level members are excluded from participation in this particular program; membership status will be verified prior to binding)
SAFE CFI Scholarship Program

SAFE is committed to growing and improving the aviation educator cadre. In recent years, with the acceleration of training toward airline careers, the focus in CFI training has shifted from quality and professionalism to the faster acquisition of certificates in pursuit of a career. These new professionals hold the future of aviation safety in their hands - both as CFIs training the next generation of pilots and as future professional pilots themselves. "Aviation excellence" must be a commitment of every new professional CFI to assure our continued system of aviation safety.
To this end, SAFE has created a program to support and empower highly-qualified candidates to obtain their initial CFI in collaboration with CFI Bootcamp in Miami. Cheyenne Neff was our first "SAFE Scholar" in 2022 and another new CFI is currently training. Our new collaboration with Lightspeed Aviation - your purchase of a new Lightspeed headset- helps to support this important program.
SAFE CFI-PRO™ "The Missing Manual!"
New flight instructors have worked hard and acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge and skill earn their new FAA Temporary. But as with all know, each FAA temporary at every level is a "license to learn." Most new CFIs lack "real world experience." And in our accelerated training environment, many new CFIs graduating from academies have been not even been pilots for a full year (and usually only has 10 hours of real solo flight time). They need the CFI survival and improvement training provided by SAFE CFI-PRO™ This program has a proven track record of improving safety and professionalism.
This innovative program was developed by Larry Enlow of the Orlando FSDO in the 1990s in response to a rash accidents in the FSDO district. The FAA required every new CFI return to the ORL FSDO for an additional day of training. This "bootcamp-style" intervention reduced flight training accidents by 60% in only two years!
SAFE CFI-PRO™ will travel with our experienced presenters to *your * location and provide in-service training to your new CFIs. This program provides the "missing manual" to accelerate a new CFI's "on the job training!" In our current aviation environment, there are seldom senior CFIs to guide is additional learning and development, or the time to accomplish it. Please get in touch with SAFE ASAP to schedule this essential professional training.