Sporty’s, SAFE Syllabi Now Available at No Charge

Just two weeks after the event in Atlanta, the Pilot Training Reform Symposium chaired by the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE) has produced yet more positive results. On the heels of the recent announcement that Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA) had made a number of its online training syllabi available at no charge, Sporty’s Academy and SAFE announced that they too have made training syllabi available not only from the SAFE website, but from the Pilot Training Reform website as well.

With the approval of the authors, the SAFE Board of Directors recently voted in favor of making three syllabi available. Previously reserved for the members-only section of the SAFE Library, these syllabi can now be accessed by anyone from the “Syllabi, Training Aids, Etc.” menu tab on the SAFE site, and from the “Symposium Output” menu tab on the Pilot Training Reform site. The specific recommendation to which SAFE, Sporty’s, and ASA have responded addresses a key issue identified during the symposium: “instructors teaching using the seat of their pants without the use of a syllabus or plan of action.”

The addition of syllabi from Sporty’s and members of SAFE rounds out the range of online syllabi currently available to instructors and students at no charge, including: Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Private Pilot (three from which to choose), Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, and Helicopter syllabi. Aviation organizations are encouraged to link to these free online syllabi as well.

Information generated since the pilot training reform symposium is posted to the training reform website as it becomes available, and a significant portion of the proceedings will soon be available for viewing on the Aero-News Network’s Aero-TV.


About the author 

Rich Stowell (Lifetime Member)

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