Public Resource Center

The following material has been made available by SAFE and others free of charge as a public service to the aviation community (read the Terms of Use).


SAFE CFI Toolkit App (FREE)      Endorsements: AC61.65     Knowledge Tests: FAA 8080.6

SAFE’s Pilot Proficiency Project™

Terms of Use & Access – Redbird Simulator Training Scenarios (Redbird Pilot Key Software, Documentation)

NTSB Safety Alerts for GA

Video Playlist
Companion Documents

SAFE Videos – Our YouTube Channel

Aero-TV Network Videos

 Transforming the Art & Craft of Flight Instruction (a look at the future of flight training by Redbird’s Roger Sharp)

Syllabi & Checkride Checklists (online versions)

Sport Pilot Training Syllabus (courtesy Doug Stewart, MCFI & DPE)
Recreational Pilot Training Course Outline (courtesy Eric Radtke, Sporty’s Academy, Inc.)
Part 61 Private Private Training Syllabus (courtesy Scott O’Brien, MCFI)
NEW Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, & Helicopter Flight Syllabi (courtesy Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.)
Syllabi and Checkride Checklists for Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, & Commercial Pilot (courtesy Qref Quick Reference Media)
NEW Private Pilot, Instrument Rating (Training Syllabi) CFI Guide (courtesy King Schools)

Training Aids, Bulletins, etc.

Avoiding General Aviation Runway Incursions — SAFE’s Dr. Donna Wilt presented this discussion on best practices during ground operations at the 2016 Flying Expo in Palm Springs, CA.
FAA Training Videos
 — The FAA offers hundreds of free informative and training-friendly videos, but here we’ve provided quick, one-stop access to 98 videos on topics that include crash survival, aviation physiology, and risk management (16Jun13)
Free online course from King Schools (22May2013)
Guidelines for Pilots Seeking All-Attitude Training — Prepared by MCFI-A Rich Stowell as part of the 2012 FAA Safety Stand Down on “Loss of Control” (06Jan2012)
Use of Aircraft Issued Experimental Airworthiness Certificates in Flight Instruction for Compensation or Hire — FAA guidance on the issuance of a Letter of Deviation Authority (LODA) to instruct in experimental aircraft (24May2011)
Advisory Circular: Airman Transition to Experimental or Unfamiliar Airplanes — provides “needed guidance to owners and pilots of experimental airplanes and to flight instructors who teach in these airplanes [emphasis added]” (30Mar2011)
Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin – Maneuvering Speed (18Jan2011)
Training Aid, “Teaching MOAs and Restricted Areas” (01Dec2010)

K–12 Educator Resources

K–12 Annotated Resources — An annotated list of online resources by SAFE’s K–12 Resource Group for use by K–12 Educators and others to promote and excite interest in aviation (updated as needed)
The Importance of Visionaries in Aviation & Aerospace — Essay by SAFE member Sherry Knight Rossiter about several key “dreamers” whose vision and persistence have changed society (20Dec12)
Teaching the Aviator’s Model Code of Conduct to Kids – Recommendations for students and teachers to use when introducing the concept of professional conduct for pilots and others in aviation.

Model Codes of Conduct

Flight Instructors Model Code of Conduct
Student Pilots Model Code of Conduct
Aviation Maintenance Technicians Model Code of Conduct
Additional Model Codes of Conduct (including Light Sport Pilots, Glider Pilots, and Seaplane Pilots)

Notices of Proposed RuleMaking & Other Responses

SAFE Member Response to FAA Request Re: Burdensome Regulations (01Jul2012)
SAFE Response to NPRM on ATP Certification Requirements (19Apr2012)
SAFE Response to NPRM on Pilot Photo IDs (17Jan2011)
SAFE Response to NPRM on Helicopter Flight Rules (10Jan2011)
SAFE Response to FAA regarding FIRCs and 61.197 (06Dec2010)
SAFE Response to ANPRM regarding New Pilot Certification Requirements for Air Carrier Operations (01Apr2010)


SAFE Report: First Fee-Based Regional Pilot Proficiency Project™ (San Marcos, TX, 10Nov2013)
SAFE Report on the Debut of its Pilot Proficiency Project™ (20Aug2012)
SAFE Report to Airman Testing and Training Standards ARC: Survey results on four key scorecard issues (16Oct2011)
SAFE Report to AFS 630: Survey results with comments — “Should the FAA notify the flight training industry before it makes changes to the test question bank?” (20Apr2011)

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