by posthumously bestowing upon him the designation of SAFE’s first official member, number 001

In resolution passed today during a teleconference meeting Interim Working Committee of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators honored Sparky Imeson by posthumously bestowing upon him the designation of SAFE’s first official member, number 001.
SAFE IWC in their resolution said:
“WHEREAS Sparky Imeson identified and advanced an important niche in aviation education; with vision and skill established himself as a mountain flying expert through practice and research; educated many pilots in the art and science of mountain flying through one-on-one training and through recognized and widely acclaimed training materials; made important contributions to safety; readily supported the call for a member-driven organization of aviation educators and the democratic election of a Board of Directors; volunteered to serve on a TBO/SAFE Programs & Services Subcommittee; and was one of many high-profile, distinguished educators who publicly signed the Petition calling for the immediate resignation of the NAFI Board.
Noting all of the above, and considering the positive contributions of Sparky Imeson as a long-time mountain flying instructor, due recognition is well deserved.
RESOLVED, that Sparky Imeson’s legacy is hereby honored by posthumously bestowing upon him the designation of SAFE’s first official member, number 001. Adopted on this 19th day of March, 2009, Signed Doug Stewart, Interim President Society of Aviation and Flight Educators”