LERC Expands Key Member Benefit
Following a tremendous effort by the SAFE Library Editorial Review Committee (LERC) and information provided by FAA Safety Briefing editor, Susan Parson, the new Safety Briefing section of the SAFE Library is now open and available to SAFE members!
Members will find a link directly to the FAA Safety Briefing website (formerly FAA Aviation News) in this section. The virtual shelves of the Library have also been stocked with direct access to a wide selection of great articles from previous issues of the FAA publication. As future issues are released, new articles will be added to our Library.
In addition to the new Safety Briefing section, the SAFE Library provides members with access to other excellent reference materials contributed by members, as well as other FAA and non-governmental information. To access these and other materials, please log in to the SAFE website and follow the path Members Only > Library > Enter > FAA & Other Government Materials > FAA Safety Briefing Magazine
The SAFE Library is a key benefit of membership in our organization, and you are encouraged to submit material to the LERC for inclusion in the Library. To begin the submission process, log in and follow the path Members Only > Library > Contribute