Videos Show Depth and Breadth of Pilot Training Reform Initiative

The Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE) announces that high definition video of the Growth Panel has been uploaded to the 2011 SAFE Symposium channel. Moderated by Cessna Pilot Center Manager Julie Filucci, the hour-long presentation includes remarks by AOPA Director of Flight Training Initiatives Jennifer Storm; Sporty’s Academy President Eric Radtke; Redbird Flight Simulations Founder Jerry Gregoire; and Remos Aircraft COO Gretchen Jahn. View the Growth Panel video

Also available for viewing is the hour-long Safety Panel moderated by J.J. Greenway, Chief Flight Instructor and Safety Director at the AOPA Air Safety Institute. Panelists include Avemco President Jim Lauerman; Aerworthy Consulting’s Dr. Bill Rhodes; King Schools Co-Owner John King; and Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association President Dr. Carol Jensen. View the Safety Panel video

The Aero-News Network produced the various segments and is in the process of uploading the massive video files. In time, the entire symposium will be available for viewing on the SAFE Symposium channel.

About the author 

Rich Stowell (Lifetime Member)

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