The General Aviation Joint Steering Committee identified loss of control–inflight (LOC-I) as the number one cause of fatal general aviation accidents over the last decade. Consequently, this year’s FAASTeam Safety Standdown offers a multi-layered approach to help pilots reduce the risk of an inflight loss of control. The recently videotaped program is hosted by FAA Research Psychologist Dr. Katrina Avers and includes interviews with FAA Director of Flight Standards John Allen, accident survivor Barry Hyde, and three loss of control subject matter experts (SMEs).

The heart of the program looks at four actual scenarios from the perspectives of aircraft preflight, aeronautical decision-making, and stick and rudder skills. FAA Airworthiness expert Steve Keesey addresses aircraft preflight issues and introduces the FAA’s new Advanced Preflight Program. Dr. Janeen Kochan and CFI Rich Stowell are SMEs representing the light airplane industry: Kochan, a Human Factors Research Scientist and Designated Pilot Examiner, discusses aeronautical decision-making issues; Stowell, a seven-time Master Instructor and the 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year, talks about techniques for recovering from loss of control events. Both are members of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators.

According to the FAASTeam’s Kevin Clover, “This program is incredibly rich with practical information, and includes natural breaks where program participants can engage in discussion before moving on to the next scenario.” He added, “This is the best Standdown program the FAA has produced to date.”

The 2012 Safety Standdown will debut at Sun-n-Fun on March 31st followed by presentations at more than 90 locations across the country in April. Feature articles by the on-camera talent will also appear in the March/April edition of FAA Safety Briefing magazine, and additional resources will be made available on













About the author 

Rich Stowell (Lifetime Member)

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