Ronald VandenDungen from Alberta, Canada is the Winner

Lakeland, FL—On Saturday, March 31st, the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE) held the drawing for a flight in Stallion 51’s P-51TF, The LITTLE Witch. Standing beside the airplane at Sun-n-Fun, Stallion 51’s Lee Lauderback randomly drew the winning ticket from a bin containing more than 1,000 tickets.

As the winner, VandenDungen will not only help to create the flight’s mission profile, but will also be given the opportunity to do most of the flying. The session will include two hours of pre- and post-flight briefings, plus one hour in the aircraft with a Stallion 51 instructor.

Congratulations Ronald VandenDungen!

Stallion 51 Owner/Chief Pilot Lee Lauderback (l.) holds up the winning ticket beside SAFE Executive Director Doug Stewart (r.)

About the author 

Rich Stowell (Lifetime Member)

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