These are unique and frightening times as we watch the COVID-19 virus spreading out of control across the whole globe and killing many in a terrible fashion. Government authorities have shuttered “non-essential services” to slow the spread of this infection and ‘flatten the curve.” Obviously, CV-19 is very contagious and often asymptomatic so it’s mostly undetectable in any social setting.

Since flight training does not permit “physical isolation” to prevent the spread of COVID-19 please cease flight training/testing and focus on ground study. Though some claim it is technically legal to continue, this seems short-sighted in light of the greater community benefits of isolation. Can we really claim flight training is “essential” when real heroes are out there struggling to keep our ATC, infrastructure and health care systems functioning? In our world flying world, this is like continuing “1sm/clear of clouds.” Even if it is legal, it is unwise. We don’t want to make this problem worse. #stayhome And support our brave “essential workers” in any way you safely can.

In 1665 when Cambridge University closed for a year because of the Great Plague of London, a young scholar named Isaac Newton was sent home.

While at home, he discovered Calculus and refined the ideas that later became his theory of gravity.

In 1606, Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, King Lear, and Anthony and Cleopatra while quarantined at home.

The positive spin here is that this break from training provides an opportunity to review, reinforce and improve your knowledge. A home ATD is a wonderful tool to practice some tougher scenarios and improve skills. SAFE is collaborating with Gold Seal to Livestream a week of aviation excitement during the canceled week of the Florida Expo; sign up here for notifications! Be SAFE…

SAFECFI-PRO™ workshop  is open to every aviation educator at every level (even if you are working on your CFI?) June10/11 at Sporty’s Pilot Shop.

Join SAFE to support our safety mission of generating aviation excellence in teaching and flying. Our amazing member benefits pay back your contribution (1/3 off your ForeFlight subscription)! Our FREE SAFE Toolkit App puts required pilot endorsements and experience requirements right on your smartphone and facilitates CFI+DPE teamwork. Our CFI insurance was developed by SAFE specifically for CFIs (and is the best value in the business).

About the author 

David St. George (Lifetime Member)

David St. George learned to fly at Flanders Valley Airport in 1970. Proving that everyone is eventually trainable, he became an FAA Gold Seal Flight Instructor for airplanes (single and multi, instrument, and glider) and serves the Rochester FSDO as an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner. In this capacity, he gives flight tests at any level from sport pilot to ATP and CFI. For 25 years David was East Hill Flying Club's 141 Chief Instructor and manager. David holds multi and single engine ATP pilot certificates, with pilot ratings for glider and seaplane and several jet type ratings. He recently earned his 14th renewal as a Master Instructor and owns an Aeronca Champ so he can build hours for that airline job!

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