SAFE at AirVenture 2013 – July 29-August 4, 2013
SAFE will be moving to a new location on the AirVenture grounds this year, known as the Education Interactive Zone. We will be in space 35, on James Ray Blvd. (the road that runs from the Main Gate diagonally towards the forums area). We will be just to the north of the entrance to “College Park”. See map below.
This year the Pilot Proficiency Project (PPP) will be located in College Park, and our new tent location will give us close proximity to the PPP and allow us to conduct the pilot pre and post briefings in the SAFE tent. As always, volunteers will be needed at the tent. If you would like to be a part of the team that staffs the SAFE tent please let us know . If you are a qualified Redbird simulator instructor, your assistance in staffing the Pilot Proficiency Project as a scenario instructor would be invaluable. Sign up here, if you would like to assist. We can use all the help we can get.
SAFE’s Fifth Annual Member Dinner-Meeting during AirVenture – Thursday, August 1, 2013. Sign up now