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SAFE... CFI-PRO™ Free Tools!
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“Checkride Ready!™️DPE advice!
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SAFE “Extended Envelope Training” <> 👍⬇️

The best CFI Insurance!
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New CFI “Survival Tools”


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Download our FREE “SAFE Toolkit” App
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SAFE... CFI-PRO™ Free Tools!
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“Checkride Ready!™️DPE advice!
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SAFE “Extended Envelope Training” <> 👍⬇️

The best CFI Insurance!
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New CFI “Survival Tools”

SAFE members offering “Optimal Learning” at the Pilot Proficiency Center. This was centered around Rich Stowell’s “9 Principles” 👍 #SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro ...#flySAFE #MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots

There are some necessary attributes for aviation leaner success! Savvy CFIs can maintain (and grow) motivation! Lose this though and educational success is unlikely! ...#SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro #flySAFE #MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots

We answer *your* questions at “Learning Zone” booths B-2081&2! DPEs and CFIs on duty👍#SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro #flySAFE #MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots.

SAFE is “The Learning Zone” at AirVenture! Bravo Hangar 2081&2. DOEs and CFIs are here to help: Dinner for members Thursday #SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro #flySAFE ...#MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots

Just spoke with a hard-working learner who spent $40K on her PPL😳 5 different instructors (all leaving for airlines). Fire your school😡#SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro ...#flySAFE #MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots

Stop by the SAFE “Learning Zone” for MCFI/DPE help w/ your flight training questions! B-2082&2 <>👍#SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro #flySAFE #MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots

Stop be the SAFE “Leaning Zone” for “CFI Survival Guide!” At OSH24. Bravo Hangar #2081&2. #SAFEtoolkit #CFIpro #flySAFE #MasterCFI #FAA #SAFEpilots

Latest Member Courses

It’s time for us – as instructors – to do the research and put some study time in so that we can do a better job of teaching the VFR chart. There is so much information provided if we just look closely and understand what that big - sometimes hard-to-handle - multi-colored piece of paper is telling us.

The Five Phases of Landings

"I have observed more landings than I’ll ever remember, but most that I do remember are remembered because they were examples of the fact that the pilot did not understand the five phases of landings."

Teaching Engine Out Glides

When student pilots begin to learn about emergency procedures, the concept of the engine-out glide is introduced. The CFI will usually discuss the procedures to be used when an engine failure has occurred.