The Society of Aviation & Flight Educators, Inc.(SAFE) is offering four $250.00 grants designed to encourage K-12 classroom teachers to incorporate aviation-themed lessons into their normal curriculum.  Aviation and aerospace topics are the perfect adjunct for teaching science, math, history, and even art.  Aviation and aerospace are topics that generate enthusiasm with all types of learners and all ages of students.

General Guidelines

The maximum allowable amount for each grant is $250.00.  FOUR SAFE grants will be awarded.  Two grants will be for teachers in Grades K-7 and two grant will be for teachers in Grades 8-12.

An individual teacher or a group of teachers from the same school may apply for a grant to design an aviation-themed classroom unit or complete an aviation-themed project.  For example, a SAFE grant could be used to pay for a bus and admission fees to take students to visit an aviation museum, go on a field trip to the local airport, buy materials to build a balsa wood glider or model rocket, or fund another type of project with an aviation or aerospace theme.


Any credentialed teacher in a public, private, or charter school may apply for a grant.  Local STEM coordinators and homeschooling cooperatives may also apply for a grant.

Grants must be used within one year of the award.

Obligations of Grant Recipient

Recipients have the following obligations to SAFE, which will also be enumerated in the grant application:

  • To provide SAFE with at least two photographs (and appropriate permissions and/or copyright releases) that can be used for publicity purposes including posting on the SAFE website;
  • To write a 300 word report on how the project turned out;
  • To provide at least one lesson plan from the project that could be posted in the SAFE Resource Center to be shared with other aviation educators.

Grant Application

Download application

The application deadline is August 31 of every year.