Purpose: Partner with Cessna Aircraft Company as a provider of Cessna’s FAA-approved Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic (FIRC)

: Active

: SAFE is in the process of developing three electives to complement the Cessna FIRC. Once this is completed, it will be up to SAFE to arrange FIRC dates and locations. Cessna would prefer that presenters be Master Instructors. Cessna will also assist with promotional efforts, yet SAFE will realize most of the profit.

According to Cessna’s website, this course is the only airframe OEM produced safety stand down designed for flight instructors, flight instructor candidates and commercial pilots who may have an interest in becoming flight instructors. The course is 18 hours, covering a number of subject areas including highlighting technology in today’s aircraft. It additionally serves as a FAA approved flight instructor refresher clinic meeting the new course topic requirements of AC61-83F, FAA FIRC approval was gained in May 2009. The course is almost totally paperless, from announcements, FAQs, registration and handout materials, using technology while striving to be ‘green’. Handout materials are delivered to the participants in a unique manner. If purchased separately, the cost of the books would be over $200.00. Materials include ‘must have’ reference documents for any flight instructor, from the latest FAA pilot training handbooks, designee handbooks and FAA forms, all included. The safety stand down serves as an all inclusive training event for several mandated recurrent courses with an emphasis on aviation safety. Emphasis is placed on using new technology to enhance aviation safety, for example, electronic flight displays, which incorporate situational awareness tools as terrain, traffic and weather. It also includes understanding WAAS GPS approaches, weather datalink and synthetic vision technology. The course is designed by Cessna employed professional instructors who have considerable knowledge and experience with TAA (technically advanced aircraft), FITS (FAA Industry Training Standards) and transition training. The hosts and presenters are Cessna flight instructors who teach at the Bend, OR and Independence, KS training facilities. Cessna FITS Accepted Instructors, (CFAI) [and the] Society of Aviation and Flight Educators, (SAFE) will be invited to present as well. The tuition cost of $200 includes all reference materials and several items an instructor can use on a daily basis, all Cessna branded for a unique look.

FMI: Doug Stewart