The list of discounts offered by SAFE to our members could easily pay for your membership twice over on an annual basis! Additionally, benefits like our insurance (the best in the business) are not available at these rates to anyone but SAFE members.


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Click for PDF of All Current Benefits!

I can’t promise you free membership *but* with our amazing member benefits a savvy aviation consumer can easily earn back the “price of admission” to SAFE in only one purchase while also supporting our amazing aviation safety advocacy! Here is a single purchase from ASA for just over $500 which had a savings of $128.61.

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The savings on this annual Pro subscription pays for your SAFE membership!

If you are like me and purchase an annual pro subscription to ForeFlight, the SAFE 1/3 off will pay for your whole membership *and* you get enough back for breakfast at an airport diner! SAFE member benefits help keep flying affordable. Try our SAFE Toolkit App… enjoy our cutting edge quarterly magazine on your tablet. Look here for all the ways to save. Don’t wait, please support our effort to raise the level of aviation excellence…join SAFE today!