This is the ninth anniversary of the “Miracle on the Hudson”.  And though this ...

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by Parvez Dara, ATP, MCFII, MEI (and our SAFE Treasurer) Did you make a ...

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by Parvez Dara, ATP, MCFII, MEI (and our SAFE Treasurer) Pilot error is the ...

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There is a critical balance of control and freedom in teaching (or learning) flying. ...

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I live on a hill overlooking the airport in Missoula, Montana (KMSO), so I ...

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I am a sponge for advice from qualified people. In aviation, these “been there, ...

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There are many ways to analyze accidents. One of those is to try to ...

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Two scenarios from the airline world, and why they matter in single-pilot airplanes… Scenario ...

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We all know the “Miracle on the Hudson” story. I think pilots especially have ...

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